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Kirsten Anderson

Kirsten Anderson

Director Consulting Services

London, United Kingdom

Hitachi projects often have genuine societal impact, and we are set apart from other large organizations, especially because of our IOT, technology and innovation focused business

My memorable Moment

I joined Hitachi Consulting 11 years ago; at the time the technical area of consulting was a relatively new offering of the organization.

In 2021, I was nominated for the Women in Tech Excellence Award. Tech is a male dominated world. I lead a technical team of 20 males and a few females. I’m one of the very few women to get to the Director level, so the recognition was wonderful. I’d love to see more females progress to a higher management.  

My Role 

Currently, I am working on a project that supports the NHS, Salford Hospital. The aim is to help the hospital manage their beds and patient flows. When you work in a hospital, you often won’t know how many beds there are available at any one point given the change and flow of patients. Using technology, we have developed and deployed a system that enables the hospital to better manage their flow of patients, from knowing when people are about to be admitted to being discharged.  

The system also has machine learning which will help predict future outcomes. We are now in phase 2, which is enablement and working on a new set of task management tools for other areas of the hospital.  

This is innovative and game changing for the NHS. It’s a key project and we have a vision to work with many other NHS trusts to roll this out. My work involves a lot of technical development, so it’s great to see this make a massive difference, change process and outcomes – it’s an interesting project. This project has been one of the proudest moments of my career, watching my team grow and develop is deeply rewarding, especially when we know that our work can impact lives and a huge difference in society. 

My advice

I’ve grown tremendously at Hitachi; I started in testing and progressed over the years with various roles. You will have lots of opportunities to grow and also do impactful work. Hitachi projects often have genuine societal impact and we are set up apart from other large organizations, especially because of our IOT, technology and innovation focused business. 

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