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Bring Methodology to Cloud Apps and Ops Madness

Cloud journeys don’t have to be crazy-making. With Hitachi Application Reliability Centers, you’ll have what you need to design, build, and manage all your cloud workloads better.

Bring Methodology to Cloud Apps and Ops Madness

Listen to Our Customer

Marek Chlebicki of RBI, Director and Head of Group IT Strategy and Transformation, describes how they worked with Hitachi Digital Services and AWS to transform their banking operations in the cloud.

How Hitachi and AWS Helped RBI

Getting to the cloud is one thing. Thriving there is another.

Issues in reliability, availability, and unforeseen costs can throw you off course. Hitachi Application Reliability Centers combine cloud experts and industry-leading methodologies to help you chart your cloud journey. We’ll ensure your application portfolios always focus on what matters — your business outcomes.

Application Reliability Centers Comprehensive services to optimize resilience and cost for always-on business. Design, build, run, and operate workloads across private, public, hybrid, and multicloud environments.

Customer Stories


Our IT department cannot stop running the bank to do a cloud modernization; we have to maintain our ongoing functions while doing the cloud modernization with the same amount of resources. Every on-premises system looks different, but the target is standardized, so we needed a partner who could help us rather than do everything on our own.

David Zeller

Chief Technology Officer, RBI

Read the Customer Story
Our IT department cannot stop running the bank to do a cloud modernization; we have to maintain our ongoing functions while doing the cloud modernization with the same amount of resources. Every on-premises system looks different, but the target is standardized, so we needed a partner who could help us rather than do everything on our own.

With Hitachi's help, the company resolved critical operational issues. App availability is up from 74 to 99.99% and response times are down 80%, resulting in $1.5M annual direct savings across their three main AWS regions.

With Hitachi's help, the company resolved critical operational issues. App availability is up from 74 to 99.99% and response times are down 80%, resulting in $1.5M annual direct savings across their three main AWS regions.

The HARC team has transformed the resilience of the company’s cloud environment—significantly improving customer service, boosting developer productivity, and cutting infrastructure costs.

The HARC team has transformed the resilience of the company’s cloud environment—significantly improving customer service, boosting developer productivity, and cutting infrastructure costs.