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Enterprise Applications

Enterprise Applications

Revitalize your enterprise by streamlining efficiency and expanding growth potential across the enterprise. Harness the convergence of AI/ML with the powerful capabilities of ERP applications in the cloud for performance gains, reduced cost, and relentless innovation.

Explore Our Services

Modern Cloud-Based ERP Future-Proofs Business

Cloud-based ERP systems help companies future-proof their essential IT business infrastructure and simplify management challenges associated with older systems that struggle to keep pace with advancing technology and evolving industry standards. Surveys show:


Reduction in customer support inquiries due to efficient processes and better data management


Improved forecast accuracy achieved by companies leveraging AI and ML within their modern ERP systems


Less downtime for companies that have replaced legacy systems with modernized ERP


Reduction in compliance costs realized by organizations that modernized ERP systems


Boost in capacity to launch new products and services by utilizing modern ERP solutions

Enhance Your ROI by Modernizing Your ERP

Enhance efficiency and secure your business’s future with our cutting-edge ERP system insights. Whether you’re transitioning to the cloud, updating to the latest software, or optimizing existing processes, our multicloud experts will uplift your SAP or Oracle ERP experience.


SAP ERP Modernization Services

SAP ERP Modernization Services

Revamp and enhance your SAP ERP applications with Hitachi Digital Services, guided by intelligence, innovation and industry experience.

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Oracle ERP Modernization Services

Oracle ERP Modernization Services

Maximize your Oracle ERP returns with Hitachi Digital Services by streamlining processes and improving decision-making while reducing costs.

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Customizable ERP Managed Services

Customizable ERP Managed Services

Hitachi Digital Services can help ensure predictable outcomes in security, compliance, and service delivery while optimizing costs.

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