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People Flow Insights

Enables smarter management of stations, roadways, operations, and buildings, with real-time counts on people and patterns of behaviors in those spaces, and real-time alerts to long lines at ticketing counters or queues. Provides historical analytics for better planning, emergency response, and improved experience.

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People Flow Insights
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People Flow Insights

Pedestrian Count and Flow

Advanced analytics identify and optimize high-use spaces, inform decision-making on public transit operations, and help cities measure ROI of public infrastructure.

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Direction and Pattern Detection

Data on pedestrian behavior and activity can reveal insights for improving the pedestrian experience and creating opportunities for street-side retail, merchandising and other revenue.

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Queue Monitoring and Management

Streaming video and analytics collect data on queue trends and send alerts when lines reach a designated threshold, allowing for the allocation of resources to mitigate wait times.

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Space Congestion Alerts and Analytics

Monitoring the occupancy of public spaces facilitates the allocation of resources to adhere to compliance standards and administer safety measures.

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