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Safety and Security Enhancements

Threats exist in virtually every space that we occupy, live, and work in today. Utilizing Hitachi Smart Spaces technology, guests, patrons, and employees can feel safe knowing our AI bases video analytics can detect threats such as smoke, intruders, and other suspicious activity alerting security to respond instantly.

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Safety and Security Enhancements
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Safety and Security Enhancements

Loitering Detection

Comprehensive dashboarding and real-time alerts increase incident response time by notifying staff and security personnel of potential threats and suspicious activity.

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Smoke Detection

Cameras and video analytics increase response time to potential threats by detecting smoke within a space and creating an automated alert to immediately notify safety and security personnel.

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Itrusion Detection

Cameras and video analytics increase response time to intruders and suspicious activity by detecting intrusions into restricted zones and immediately notifying security personnel.

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Facial Detection and Matching

Advanced surveillance prevents persons of interest from entering important areas or facilities and threatens the wellbeing of people and business continuity.

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