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Semiconductor Platform Accelerator

RMS | GEM | GEM300 | CyberEDA | CyberSIM

At Hitachi Digital Services Vietnam, we are dedicated to advancing semiconductor manufacturing with our suite of cutting-edge digital accelerators. Our specialty platforms are designed to enhance efficiency, precision, and automation within semiconductor fabrication processes. Discover how our digital accelerators can transform your operations:

Recipe Management System (RMS)

Recipe Management System is a system to provide full control on recipe/product specification management
in the factory, including access control, version control, visual editing and download/upload to/from equipment.

Our Recipe Management System (RMS) provides comprehensive control over recipe
and product specification management within the factory. Key features include:

GEM300 / GEM / SECS Driver

GEM300/GEM/SECS Driver is an equipment connectivity package that enables 200mm and 300mm semiconductor, PV, MEMS, LED factories to automate equipment. GEM300 fully complies with SEMI 300mm standards.

The GEM300/GEM/SECS Driver is an advanced equipment connectivity package that facilitates automation
in semiconductor, PV, MEMS, and LED manufacturing. Key features include:


CyberEDA is an equipment integration package designed to gather and analyze data
from wafer processing and testing equipment. Key features include:


CyberSIM is a SECS connectivity test tool that simulates both Host and Equipment in semiconductor fab.
For equipment manufacturers, CyberSIM can be used to execute regression tests before equipment software shipment.

CyberSIM is a SECS connectivity test tool that simulates both Host and Equipment in semiconductor fabs. It offers several key advantages: