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Digital Maturity in Banking: Celent Report on Conversations Across Bank Tiers

Leading-class digital banking is achieved by those who focus their entire organization on delivering value to customers through digital and digitally -enabled experiences. Digital maturity by this definition is not simply about the front-end experience; it includes a bank’s philosophies, ethos, business models, people, culture, and processes in addition to technologies.

Celent recently conducted a series of interviews exploring digital maturity with tier 1 banks. Read this report to learn more about key findings and observations.

注:Hitachi Digital Servicesは、2023年11月1日以降、 Hitachi Vantaraからデジタルコンサルティングおよびテクノロジー企 業として分離独立しました。詳細はこの プレスリリースをご覧くださ い。

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