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Use Case: Smart Parking and Parking Availability

This Use Case document, titled “Smart Parking and Parking Availability,” explores the transformative potential of Hitachi’s Smart Spaces and Video Insights in revolutionizing parking management. It addresses the common challenge where individuals spend excessive time searching for parking spots, leading to frustration and inefficiency. With Hitachi’s innovative solutions, including video analytics, smart cameras, and the integration of local apps, real-time measurements and alerts for parking space occupancy, vehicle positions, and arrival/departure times are provided, significantly enhancing the parking experience. The solution not only improves customer satisfaction by reducing wait times but also supports more efficient processes, informs stakeholders about peak times, and offers in-depth insights into space demographics and logistics.

注:Hitachi Digital Servicesは、2023年11月1日以降、 Hitachi Vantaraからデジタルコンサルティングおよびテクノロジー企 業として分離独立しました。詳細はこの プレスリリースをご覧くださ い。

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