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Semiconductor Platform Accelerator

RMS | GEM | GEM300 | CyberEDA | CyberSIM

At Hitachi Digital Services Vietnam, we are dedicated to advancing semiconductor manufacturing with our suite of cutting-edge digital accelerators. Our specialty platforms are designed to enhance efficiency, precision, and automation within semiconductor fabrication processes. Discover how our digital accelerators can transform your operations as below.

Recipe Management System (RMS)

Recipe Management System is a system to provide full control on recipe/product specification management
in the factory, including access control, version control, visual editing and download/upload to/from equipment.

Our Recipe Management System (RMS) provides comprehensive control over recipe
and product specification management within the factory. Key features include:

GEM300 / GEM / SECS Driver

GEM300/GEM/SECS Driver is an equipment connectivity package that enables 200mm and 300mm semiconductor, PV, MEMS, LED factories to automate equipment. GEM300 fully complies with SEMI 300mm standards.

The GEM300/GEM/SECS Driver is an advanced equipment connectivity package that facilitates automation
in semiconductor, PV, MEMS, and LED manufacturing. Key features include:


CyberEDA is an equipment integration package designed to gather and analyze data
from wafer processing and testing equipment. Key features include:


CyberSIM is a SECS connectivity test tool that simulates both Host and Equipment in semiconductor fab.
For equipment manufacturers, CyberSIM can be used to execute regression tests before equipment software shipment.

CyberSIM is a SECS connectivity test tool that simulates both Host and Equipment in semiconductor fabs. It offers several key advantages: