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Customer Story

Financial Aid SaaS Product for Communications, Media and High-Tech

Financial Aid SaaS Product for Communications, Media and High-Tech
  • Challenge

    CollegeBoard wanted to develop a complete SaaS product to replace their existing desktop-based product and that can be used by many institutions (colleges/universities) to aid in the financial aid process. This is the next generation of the application that replaces the existing one.

    • The current product will have to be replaced by a SaaS product leveraging AWS Cloud. It should address all existing capabilities of the product in use today and also cater to new and enhanced capabilities
    • This is the first SaaS product being developed by the client
    • Ensuring the solution to various complex architectural pieces has been a challenge
    • Balancing the product needs from a business perspective with the technological challenges was also a key
    • Extensive documentation, approvals and adherence to policies and procedures
  • Solution

    • Hitachi worked with the client leadership, IT and business teams to understand the business requirements, future vision and implemented a collaborative approach to build the product.
    • Hitachi laid down the architectural components, formulated the user experience strategy, recommended right fit technology stack for development
    • The application is being developed using a serverless architecture leveraging AWS Cloud. Typical services include: S3, DynamoDB, SNS/ SQS, Cognito, IAM, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, API Gateway, Lambda, WAF, Elasticsearch, KMS, etc.​
  • Outcome

    • A robust, sophisticated and user friendly product on AWS Cloud with latest technologies and rich UI that replaces a legacy financial aid application
    • Serverless architecture. No need to maintain any servers, just pay for what you use
    • Secure, Mobile and accessibility friendly application with more appeal


Partner: Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud services, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers – including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises and leading government agencies – are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile and innovate faster. AWS has the most extensive global cloud infrastructure. The AWS Region and Availability Zone model has been recognized by Gartner as the recommended approach for running enterprise applications that require high availability.

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