Create smart spaces leveraging insights from video, Lidar, and IoT that create a healthier, safer, and more sustainable environment.
Make your spaces smarter to elevate operational efficiency, enhance safety and security, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and achieve your desired outcomes.
Leverage video intelligence to gain greater insights and become more efficient.
Deploy the right hardware and software to support the unique needs of your video data.
Increase visibility and gain intelligence at the edge by unifying your camera systems.
Transform video into actionable insights and real-time alerts with the right analytics and applications to reach your goals.
Get the right hardware and software to collect, curate, catalog, and support the unique needs of your video data.
Get complete visibility and intelligence at the edge, and unify your new and existing camera systems.
Discover how to use intelligent video to create smart spaces and better outcomes.
Explore our infographicLearn Hitachi’s approach to designing solutions that help achieve a desired outcome.
Download BrochureMoreno Valley Builds A Citywide Video Surveillance System
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Use Data-driven Insights to Transform Citizen Services
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